Make your own Story
by David Neace CPX
Make your own Story
David Neace CPX
Digital Art - Acrylic Airbrush/digital
I have an older image of this airbrush work I completed in 1984. It was done on a 3 foot by 5 foot illustration board. The original image is fuzzy and did not really capture some of the details. So, I reworked the image with a digital program and re-created it completely. I had fun with this one, and it is one of those images that could mean just about anything. Make your own story.
September 17th, 2017
Comments (37)
Zan Savage
How fun to revisit an older piece later in our careers - It is an enligtening experience for me when I do so and this piece delightfully captures that feeling of rebirth for me! Awesomeness David! l/f
Patricia Clark Taylor
Love the floating balls of brilliant blue that seem to dissipate like bubbles in the air. All against a surreal background. Very nice! l/f